Most people understand the health benefits of regular exercise and
desire to infuse those benefits into their bodies, but it’s often psychological
barriers that prevent people from achieving their fitness goals. We have a
tendency to talk ourselves out of opportunities that might feel mysterious,
intimidating, or even threatening if we’ve never tried them before. You have
probably heard information about Pilates or even seen the great results that
others have achieved through consistent workouts. It can feel intimidating to
try something new, so here are a few tips to help you be prepared for your
first Pilates class:
What to Wear
Most people choose to arrive barefoot to Pilates classes, similar
to yoga. If it’s fall or winter weather, feel free to wear socks until your
body warms up enough for bare feet. Wear clothing that is loose enough for you
to move but not so baggy that the instructor can’t see your body. The
instructor will need to be able to see which muscles are engaging to ensure
that you’re doing the moves properly for maximum results and to prevent injury.
Many of the moves require bending over, so if you’re a woman, be sure to plan
for modesty. Wear a sports bra if you choose to wear a loose-fitting shirt.
What to Bring
Most Pilates classrooms will have the supplies you need, but you
might consider bringing your own mat to a mat class. Pilates mats tend to be
thicker than yoga mats, because so many of the moves are done on the mat. Your
own yoga mat can bring extra cushion to the classroom mats, and covering the
classroom mat with your mat can prevent the spread of germs. Consider covering
the mats with a towel as well. You may work up a bit of a sweat as you increase
intensity, so bring a towel and some water.
Give Yourself Grace
If you’re just starting out, you won’t be perfect, and chances are
your classmates will remember their first classes as well. Be sure to inform
the instructor that you’re new, so the instructor can offer modifications to
the moves in case you’re not ready for some of the more advanced moves. Take it
at your own pace, and enjoy it, as Pilates is a great, low-impact exercise that
targets important areas for improved health and wellness.