Wednesday, October 1, 2014

How to Make Yourself a Morning Workout Person

Not everyone is a morning person. In fact, you may dread getting up in the morning simply because you love sleep. Your intent is good -- you want to workout in the morning to get your endorphin's going, but your plan never seems to work out. You hit the alarm clock one too many times and you fall back asleep for that extra half hour that you planned to use to workout. If this sounds familiar don't be afraid to make the changes necessary to become a morning person. Here are a few ideas:

Lay Out Your Outfit the Night Before

Picking out your work outfit the night before will save you time in the morning. You'll also feel less stressed because if you happen to be really organized, chances are you'll wake up with the thought "what am I going to wear" anyway. So lay out your outfit the night before, including your jewelry and shoes. Your ensemble will be ready and perhaps you'll feel more motivated to use those extra ten minutes that you would normally use to pick out the perfect ensemble.

Get a Workout Buddy

Did you recently meet a friend that you really liked at your last Pilates X class? Ask them if they live locally and if they want to carpool. If you find someone who lives in your area who can help keep you accountable by setting up class times you can both attend together you'll be on your way to workout success. Having a buddy will also encourage you to not flake on them because not only would you be disappointing yourself by changing your mind last minute, but you'd also be letting your friend down too.

Put Your Alarm Clock in the Closet (No, Really!)

If you're a deep sleeper you most likely don't hear your alarm clock early in the morning or you end up pushing the snooze button several times. Solve this problem by turning up the volume on your alarm clock (but not loud enough to wake up the neighbors) and put it in your closet or across your bedroom. That way you'll be forced to get out of bed and turn off your alarm clock. By then you'll be awake more and you'll also have to make a trip to the restroom. Might as well work out now since you're already up!

Pep Talks Always Work

Mind really is over matter. Why? Because the more you motivate yourself to workout, the more likely you are to do it. Stop making excuses and listening to the lies in your head that you're too over weight, too busy, too tired, or you're afraid to try something new. Replace those negative thoughts with positive thoughts that instead reinforce positive beliefs about yourself such as "I can do this" or "I will get fit." Trust us, positive reinforcement should work over time and you'll find yourself enjoying morning classes and excelling as you feel more fit and toned at Pilates X!

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